Breastfeeding has various health benefits for both the infant and the mother. Breast milk contains all the nutrients a baby needs in the first six months of life. The first few minutes after the infant birth is a magical period. After the long nine months of waiting, a mommy gets her first chance to hold her baby in her arms, to gaze into the eyes of her newborn and to count her little one’s fingers and toes. The World Health Organization is observing August 1st week as World Breastfeeding Week. More than 100 countries including India, led by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Child Welfare Council are participating in this week's celebration. If you are just expecting your first child or just need to know about breast feeding, read our breastfeeding advice to help you get off to the best possible start.
The Golden Hour of Breastfeeding- The breastfeeding in the first hour after birth is the golden hour that creates a special bonding time and the perfect opportunity for you and your baby to get to know one another. This period is an essential factor in a mother’s breastfeeding journey. Giving mother’s breast milk to the newborn within one hour of birth is preferred as early initiation of breastfeeding and confirms that the baby receives the colostrum, or first milk, which is rich in minerals, vitamins, and immunoglobulins that protect the kid from infections.
The Power Of Breastfeeding – Breastfeeding supplies all the essential nutrients in the proper proportions. It protects against infant deaths, diseases and malnutrition. It improves brain growth and physical development in children. The World Health Organization estimates that the chance of death in babies who lack breastfeeding is 40% higher than breastfed babies. Children who grew up with breast milk for six months are less probable to develop diabetes, heart disease, asthma and cancer later in life. Breastfeeding stimulates the baby's five senses, namely, touch, sight, smell, hearing and taste. Breastfeeding helps mommies in many ways. Breastfeeding releases endorphins, which keeps the baby-blues and the more severe Postpartum Depression at bay. Breast feeding is also a natural way to burn calories and helps get rid of the pregnancy weight gain. It can reduce the risk of excess bleeding or major clots after delivery. The power of breastfeeding is boundless for both infant and mother. So breastfeed as often as you can, it is the best thing for your infant for you.
Breastfeeding Needs Practice - Producing milk would possibly come naturally. However, the delivery of it from breast to belly takes a little know-how and heaps of practice. For almost every new mommy and baby, the first few attempts at breastfeeding are miserable and difficult, especially for first time mothers. Try to create an ambience where you can be relaxed. A comfortable chair, a water bottle, diapers and burping accessories, all within easy reach. Speak to your lactation consultant to know about the right feeding positions for you and how to get your baby to latch on correctly. The thumb rule is that the mother should be relaxed, well hydrated, eating properly and breastfeeding should not hurt. Try to remember that breast feeding may not be picture perfect. With practice, you will get it right. The right breastfeeding position and frequent feeds should prevent nipple soreness, breast tenderness, mastitis (blocked milk glands), and other breastfeeding issues. With some trial-and-error, you will find the right breastfeeding position which works best for you. What’s more important is both baby and mum feel comfortable.
Increasing Low Milk Supply- Some mothers are simply have low supply of breast milk for their baby. Don’t worry, there are steps you can take to increase breast milk production. You can work together with your little one to build your milk supply. Feeding your infant whenever he wants it will aid him to get all the milk he requires to grow and develop. That is more frequent feeding makes your body produce more milk. Direct skin-to-skin contact with your infant can improve the amount of breast milk that you're able to produce. Also, nutrition can be a factor, so it's vital to eat a healthy diet when you're breastfeeding. Including fennel seeds (saunf/pereum jeerakam), Fenugreek(methi/uluva), spinach(paalak/cheera), cumin seeds(jeera/jeerakam), a variety of nuts. Your doctor may prescribe medicines for breastfeeding supply. Use of a breast pump is an effective method to boost your milk supply. Pumping your breasts immediately after a feed will stimulate your body to produce more and begin raising your milk supply.
Burping Babies-Whether bottle or breastfeeding, infants swallow air, attempt to burp your baby once or twice during feedings is necessary. It is common for your baby to spit up some milk when he burps. If you nurse your infant and your let-down is forceful, the little one may choke and gulp air. So gently insert your finger between your breast and your baby’s mouth to break the suction till your let down slows and try again. If you bottle-feed your baby, hold him at a 45-degree angle while he feeds and burp him often. Once you feed the baby make sure you burp him properly and place him on his back or on turned on side to aid his digestion. Keep in mind not to overfeed him, as it may cause him to vomit. If your infant frequently vomits forcefully either during or right after a feeding, inform your pediatrician.
Bowel Movements- First bowel movements of your baby are black, sticky and tarry. They are referred to as meconium and contains the waste that was within the baby’s intestines while he was in utero. Within the one week after birth, the stool of your baby will slowly change tarry black to dark green to yellow. After the transitional period, they'll become milk stools. If you exclusively breastfeed your baby, his stools will be soft and yellow and will have a slight odour or no smell at all. If you bottle feed your baby, his stools can be greenish, mushy and smelly. The number of stools he has can fluctuate from one to 3 per day.
Breastfeeding Outfits- Part of successfully breastfeeding is knowing the right things to wear. You have to find the right one for your boobs that gives your baby easy boob access. From professional outfits to casual wear and even formal wear, you can find wide varieties of shirts, blouses, tank tops, sleep wear and nursing bras made exclusively for breastfeeding mums.
Baby Milk Formula-Breast milk is the best milk to give your baby as it gives him with all the essential ingredients healthy growth. Though sometimes it might not be possible to give your baby breast milk, and that’s when you’ll have to use baby milk formula. To find the best formula for your little one, ask your pediatrician which brand he recommends. When using formula, there may be a chance for constipation and allergies for your infant. So once you give formula to your baby, watch for any signs of an allergic reaction and constipation. Constipation is quite rare in a baby who is only fed with breast milk, but it is more common in babies who have formula milk. Don’t provide your baby medicines for constipation unless they're prescribed by a doctor.
Many newbie moms find learning to breastfeed can be frustrating and uncomfortable. It may also seem tougher, particularly if your baby was born early or you have certain health problems. The good news is that it will get easier, and support for breastfeeding mothers is now easily available. MyWomb, the best postpartum care in Kerala provide experts who can help you to learn about breastfeeding and get used to this new experience during the first few days with your new baby.
“Know the importance of breastfeeding yourself and remind others”. This great message is the main focus of this week. Remember breastfeeding is the birthright of a baby.
Happy Breastfeeding!!!