Pregnancy is one of the best times of a woman’s life. But post pregnancy life can take a different turn in the mother’s life. Not only you have newborn baby care to do, but taking care of your post delivery body is also important. Post delivery care or Prasava Raksha as it is known in Ayurveda post delivery care highlights different areas of care. Ayurveda recommends that the mother of a new-born should take about 6 weeks of physical rest. Childbirth is many a time accompanied by discomfort, depression, irritability, fatigue, stress and sleeplessness. These have to be addressed immediately. We suggest consulting an Ayurveda doctor for a personalised consultation to suit each pregnant woman. Following are the general Ayurveda principles of postnatal care:
After delivery, the loss of fluid and blood following the child’s birth makes the mother’s health weak. In a normal delivery, oils such as Dhanwantharam thailam are commonly used to massage into the body prior to a warm shower for the first seven days. Water boiled with tamarind leaves or kurunthotti roots are used for baths. Some doctors suggest Nalpaamaraadi patta. Locally these treatments termed as Vethu kuli. It helps to strengthen the lower back, hip area, bones, muscles and ligaments. In case of a cesearin section, Ayurvedic post delivery care can begin only after the gynocologist says so.
It is recommended to start with ghee or healthy oils or soups in this phase. The dose of ghee should be carefully decided based on digestive power. There are some Ayurvedic preparations that can be administered. Horse gram (Muthira) soup with added dried ginger powder (Chukku podi) and pepper powder is also a traditional practice during the first seven days after delivery. From the eighth day, more nourishing herbs are recommended. Red or brown rice and meat soups are suggested. Anxiety, stress, exposure to cold breeze, strenuous exertion and steam baths should be avoided.
Belly wrapping is also important in this stage. It is important to properly wrap the abdominal area to strengthen the muscles and help restore them to pre- pregnancy stage. The abdomen should be properly wrapped with a clean cloth while letting the skin to breathe and keeping the postpartum mother comfortable.
Lactation is promoted with natural herbs that are used to help increase breast milk production in nursing mothers. Red rice (matta rice), wheat, sugar, yogurt, asparagus(Sathaveri), fenugreek(Uluva), coconut, sesame(ellu) seeds and garlic are good choices. Cumin (jeera powder) with milk can help improving lactation. Mother’s milk is the only friendly milk to a newborn baby.
Make sure you consult an Ayurvedic post delivery care doctor before consuming these foods.
*To restore the agni. (Digestive fire)
*Normalize the vata, (the air element that increases due the emptiness in the abdominal area)
*Optimize the quality of breast milk.
*To avoid exertion.
* To prevent post natal complaints during such as backache, appetite loss , anxiety, anger, disturbed sleep, Postpartum depression, etc.
External care: Full body ayurvedic massages are highly recommended in Ayurvedic post delivery to calm the mother’s body. Oils preferred are Balaswagandhadi Tailam, Ksheerabala tailam or Bala tailam or dhanwantaram tailam according to the condition of the patient. It helps to strengthen the lower back, hip area, bones, muscles and tendons.
Rest: While mothers who have had normal/assisted delivery can start treatment after 7-10 days after birth, external treatments should done only after the complete healing of wounds in case of caesarean delivery. Normally this would take about 15 days. We recommend starting of post caesarean delivery care only after your gynaecologist gives the green signal.
While mild walking is fine, any strenuous or rigorous work such as lifting heavy weights is completely discouraged. It leaves the uterine muscles and tendons weak. The rule of thumb would be not to lift anything heavier than your baby. In case of normal delivery, rest for at least 3 months. In case of C-Section after delivery rest for at last 4-5 months.
In short, immediate post delivery care is what keeps the mother and new born healthy in the long run.