Most gynecologists recommend that women should gain 5-15 kilos during pregnancy. Most women are worried how to lose this after pregnancy and rightly so. Several studies say if you don't lose it, the pregnancy weight gain has been associated with overweight and obesity 15 to 20 years later in life. However before embarking on any after delivery weight loss plan, consult with your gynecologist as to when you can begin exercise and how much you are allowed to do. As a thumb rule, the period immediately after your delivery, atleast the first 6 weeks you cannot do anything. After this period lifting your baby and short walks can help begin your weight loss journey.
Breastfeeding is a sure fire way of losing weight after birth. A breast feeding mother loses anywhere between 300-500 calories a day. It also helps shrink your uterus which can help you look slimmer. Your body is producing milk even while you are resting. So rest assured that you are losing weight.
Plan your meals to ensure you get 1800-2200 calories a day, especially if you are breast feeding. Include a wide variety of food like, low-fat dairy products, whole wheat bread, Fish, legumes(like mung dal/cherupayar), Seeds and nuts, brown rice, oranges, eggs, leafy greens. Drink water throughout the day to help you stay hydrated and feel full. Avoid excessive caffeine if you are breast-feeding. Prepare several meals in advance to help you avoid eating high-calorie fast food after a busy day.
The right exercise is always good. But after birth, please consult your gynecologist before you begin any form of exercise. You can be super busy or super tired. Just leave your baby in the care of My Womb Maternity Care’s professional baby care givers and take short walks. To bond with the baby, you can do simple exercises like walking with the baby or lifting your baby like weights. Just make sure you never exercise to the point of exhaustion. No matter what form of exercise you choose — jogging, yoga, cycling, swimming, walking — plan it into your routine. One advantage of going outdoors is you get to meet other moms who may be on the same weight loss mission as you are. This besides, being a change of scene for you and your baby.
Now that you are ready for post delivery care body, how do you go about it?
Team up. You need all the support you can get — so get your husband on board. Instead of TV after dinner, take a walk. Let our new born baby care givers take care of the baby. Get rid of all the high-fat and processed foods in your kitchen. Replace it with fruits, veggies, whole grains, dairy products, lean meats, poultry and fish. Include your husband in your diet and keep an eye on each others' eating habits too.
Don't discount the small stuff. Squeeze even a little extra activity into your daily routine. Every step counts, so don't discount the little things. Walk 5 minutes extra, use that small flight of stairs, sort those books that have been lying there.
Be Realistic
In the process of losing weight, be realistic. When it comes time to get serious about losing the baby weight, make sure you keep your expectations in check. Sure, you want to fit in to you r pre-pregnancy clothes. Be patient; your body took 9 months to gain that weight. Its gonna take time to lose all of it.
Stay positive. Focus on what you've accomplished so far and the weight you've already lost, and remember that a healthy mom is a happier mom. A happy mom has a happy baby. All women are different, and getting fit after pregnancy might be easier for some moms. As long as you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly after birth, you will eventually lose all that weight.