7356 88 33 99, 7356 43 10 34


People under the age of 40 with mental health conditions have a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke. One of the key factors is the stress that can accompany mental health issues.

The study says, one of every eight people in the 20-to-39-year-old category had some kind of mental health condition. The issues included depression, anxiety, and insomnia.

Psychological problems were common in young adults and had strong links with cardiovascular health. The findings indicate that these individuals should receive regular health check-ups and medication if appropriate to prevent myocardial infarction and stroke. While lifestyle behaviors did not explain the excess cardiovascular risk, this does not mean that healthier habits would not improve prognosis. Lifestyle modification should therefore be recommended to young adults with mental disorders to boost heart health.”

Many people expect a heart attack to come on suddenly. However, research suggests that females experience symptoms for several weeks before a heart attack.

Eight of the symptoms of a possible heart attack are:

1. Chest pain: The most common symptom of heart attack in both males and females is chest pain or discomfort. People may describe this as:

  • tightness
  • pressure
  • squeezing
  • aching

However, women can experience a heart attack without having any chest discomfort.

2. Extreme or unusual fatigue: Unusual fatigue is often reported in the weeks leading up to a heart attack. A person may also experience fatigue just before the event occurs. Even simple activities that do not require much exertion can lead to feelings of being exhausted.

3. Weakness: Feeling weak or shaky is a common acute symptom of a heart attack in a female. This weakness or shaking may be accompanied by:

  • anxiety
  • dizziness
  • fainting
  • feeling lightheaded

4. Shortness of breath :Shortness of breath or heavy breathing without exertion, especially when accompanied by fatigue or chest pain, may suggest heart problems. Some women may feel short of breath when lying down, with the symptom easing when they are sitting upright.

5. Sweating : Excessive sweating without a typical cause is another common heart attack symptom in women. Feeling cold and clammy can also be an indicator of heart issues.

6. Upper body pain: This is usually nonspecific and not attributed to a particular muscle or joint in the upper body. Areas that can be affected include:

  • neck
  • jaw
  • upper back or either arm

The pain can start in one area and gradually spread to others, or it may come on suddenly.

7. Sleep disturbances : Women reported issues with sleep in the weeks before they had a heart attack.

These disturbances may involve:

  • difficulty getting to sleep
  • unusual waking throughout the night
  • feeling tired despite getting enough sleep

8. Stomach problems

Some women may feel pain or pressure in the stomach before a heart attack.

Other digestive issues associated with a possible heart attack can include:

  • indigestion
  • nausea
  • vomiting


  • Going for regular health check-ups.
  • Taking steps to manage other health conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
  • Quitting smoking
  • Losing weight for those who have excess weight.
  • Engaging in at least 30 minutes of aerobic activity every day, such as walking.
  • Eating a balanced diet and visiting a dietitian if necessary for dietary advice.
  • Reducing stress levels.
  • Getting enough sleep.
  • Limiting alcohol intake.


A heart attack is a serious and potentially fatal medical event that requires emergency treatment. Females tend to display different heart attack symptoms than males. They also have additional risk factors.

There are many steps people can take to reduce their risk of a heart attack. Awareness of heart attack symptoms, especially in the weeks before the event, can also improve outcomes and prevent complications.

Sijith Ayath Mohammed