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Better Breast FeedingFebruary 05, 2018

For new moms breastfeeding can be unsettling for many reasons. Especially with your first child. Stress and doubt are constant companions. While you are still trying to get the hang of breastfeeding, you will have numerous questions like "Is my baby getting enough milk?" or "Am I producing enough milk?". Take it from someone who’s been there and done that! First thing to do is to see a lactation consultant and get an assessment done. If your hospital does not have a consultant, most trained nurses can help you. Ask all your doubts about your supply and feeding techniques. If you know the theory, practice will make you perfect.

Below are four important guidelines to increase your supply for breastfeeding:

• Demand-supply rule: Breast milk works on demand-supply rule. The more the baby feeds, the more milk is produced. When the baby finishes up the milk and your breast empties up is when your body adjusts and makes more milk. Feed frequently and on demand. Let the baby latch on, feed as much as s(he) needs and let the baby unlatch. Once baby unlatch offer the other side. If s(he) rejects then it means the baby is full. You should allow the baby to suck more, for you to make more milk. Use an electric or manual breast pump to increase supply, if and only if you have low milk supply and a lactation consultant has assessed. You can use the breast pump after feeding your little one, this in turn empties your breast and signals your body to produce more milk. Keep in mind not to over do anything. When you have enough supply DO NOT pump more as it results in increase of supply and let down of breast milk. Engorged breasts are not exactly a great feeling.

• Well balanced diet: Any change within your body requires intake of nutritious food. Eating healthy results in good milk supply and in turn your baby gets all the required nutrition. Have a balanced diet for the day and get rid of processed/junk food. Leafy green vegetables are great for the production of milk. Whenever you try something new, keep an eye if your baby is allergic to it or reacts with symptoms like loosies, vomit and rashes post breastfeeding. Every woman is different and so is their body. A food might increase supply for someone and the same food might not work for someone else. Below are few foods which increases milk supply: Dill(ചതകുപ്പ),Fenugreek Seeds(ഉലുവ),Cumin(ജീരകം),Barley, Oats, Millets(ചാമ), Fennel seeds(പെരുംജീരകം), Apricot (മട്ട പഴം), Papaya, Beetroot, Coriander seeds (മല്ലി ), Poppy seeds(കസ്കസ്), Sesame seeds(എള്ള്), Asparagus(ശതാവരി), Caraway seeds(ഷിമാ ജീരകം).

• Enough fluids: Make sure you add more fluids which include fruit juice, milk and more water to your diet. Consuming more water turns your breast milk watery is a baseless myth. Make sure you drink enough water and keep yourself hydrated.

• Keep stress at bay: Hormones play an important role while breastfeeding. The stress and tension may result in hormonal imbalance and eventually reduces your supply. Avoid unnecessary stress and try to keep yourself relaxed. Listen to good soothing music, sit back and keep calm.

post delivery care in Ernakulam, postpartum care in Ernakulam, PostNatal Care in  Ernakulam, After delivery care in Ernakulam, Newborn care in Ernakulam, Breastfeeding tips & Tricks

Mrinalini Dubey