Breast cancer is one of the top fatal cancers in India. Current studies show that 1 in 22 Indian women have breast cancer. And 1 in 2 of those diagnosed, one dies. Breast cancer in India is different from that in the West. Here, it is affecting younger women and more than half of them present themselves in advanced stages. The middle age is one of the most important phases of a woman's life, both as a life partner and mother. Can becoming a new motherhood prevent cancer? More specifically, can breastfeeding prevent cancer?
Your gynaecologist will tell you that there is no better way to nourish your baby than breastfeeding her/him. When possible, exclusively breastfeed your baby. Our lactation consultant in Kochi will ask you to breastfeed as much as possible and pump after feeding to increase your supply. The benefit of breast feeding is not in feeding your baby alone. Studies show that breastfeeding can reduce your chances of having breast cancer. Most women who breastfeed experience hormonal changes during breastfeeding, that delay their menstrual periods. This reduces a woman’s lifetime exposure to hormones like estrogen, which can promote breast cancer cell growth. In addition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you shed breast tissue. This shedding can help remove cells with potential DNA damage, thus reducing your chances of reducing breast cancer. Breastfeeding also can help lower your ovarian cancer risk by preventing ovulation. And the less you ovulate, the less exposure to estrogen and abnormal cells that could become cancer.
In another study researchers found that for every 12 months a woman breastfed, her risk of breast cancer decreased by 4.3%. The study compared mothers who breastfed to those who didn’t. This included breast feeding one or more babies. Though ideally breastfeeding should be done for atleast 6 months, the longer you breastfeed, the better.
Breastfeeding helps protect you from cancer. But did you know that by breast feeding you are also protecting your child from cancer? This includes pancreatic, breast, endometrial, esophageal, rectal and kidney cancers. Breastfeeding also helps strengthen your child’s immune system. Your antibodies pass from your milk to your child. This helps lower your child’s risks of ear infections, as well as respiratory and digestive system problems. Plus, research indicates the longer a child is breastfed, the lower his or her chances of developing allergies.
Despite all the health perks, breastfeeding isn’t easy. If you’re considering it or having trouble, get help from a lactation consultant in Kochi. Or call MyWomb Care for professionally trained post delivery care givers who can help you with your breast feeding problems.