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My Pregnancy MiracleNovember 12, 2018

Hello everyone. I am Fransisca Artha. I am an Indonasian Indian and married to an Indian. We married in April 2013 and since then I conceived 6 times. It may come as a surprise to many why any new-age woman would do that. Because, I believe in miracles. Here is my story.

Even though we both were working, my husband and me wanted to start a family. We were happy when we found out I was pregnant. It didn’t last long. At 9 weeks I had an unexplained miscarriage. We let it slide and I got pregnant the second time 8 months after the miscarriage. But when I went for the scans, the doctors said I had a Blighted Ovum and I needed curratage. In simple language, my baby was not growing and I would eventually miscarry. So they needed to scoop and scrape my baby out with a device that in no way looked friendly. We didn’t lose hope and continued to try again. I got pregnant the third time. Again I miscarried; this time at 14 weeks.

At this point, the doctor said my womb needed time to rest and recover. He suggested I wait for a year and in the meanwhile we use contraceptives. I don’t prefer contraceptives. We opted the “safe window” period and simply waited for the 1 year to end. During this time my in laws suggested we adopt a child. We weighed our options but, to us, trying again was better, safer and cheaper option. And soon after, I was pregnant for the fourth time. This time, I quit working and travelled with my husband to wherever his work took him. I crossed the 9th week, the baby was growing well and I crossed the 14th week too. I was beginning to breathe a little easier. OK, so I am going to hold this baby, I told myself. I thought it was a ray of hope. But it was not to be. The 16th week began with bleeding and I had to go through curratage again. My 5th baby didn’t make it till the 14th week.

Now I was shattered. Will I ever become a mother? When can I experience the joys of motherhood? Looking at women and their kids I felt inadequate. But after 5 failed pregnancies, I was terrified of another pregnancy. I dreaded another curratage. I was not mentally ready to lose another baby. My husband and in laws were with me every step of the way. While I was shattered, my husband was still hopeful. He wanted answers. 5 babies, 5 different cities, 5 different hospitals and doctors. Yet nobody could tell us why I couldn’t cross 20 weeks of pregnancy.

So we went to a Feotomaternal specialist. He suggested me to do ACA (Anti Cardio Lipin) test. The result showed I have abnormal clothing blood. And he again recommended me to do another test. I went for A prothrombin time (PT) and international normalized ratio (INR). The result was I am positive APS (Anti Phospolipid Syndrome) which my blood clots faster than in normal person. The doctor said to put down my dream for a child because it will cost a lot, risk my life and possibly the baby’s. I was so sad, low and angry. How could a woman that can conceive not bear a child? Collecting all my courage together with my very supportive husband we tried a final intensive program.

Again I was conceived for the 6th time, I got shot of heparin every 12 hours to thin my blood so my baby inside can get enough nutrition for its growth. Doctor told me I can do pregnancy programme but during pregnancy from the day 1 until I deliver the baby (if it’s alive) I have to get shot of heparin to thin my blood. The most possibility the baby if it’s a live will be premature with weight below than normal. The suffering not stop there. I was also got hyper emesis gravidarum which made me vomiting a lot and my weight was drop about 12 kg during pregnancy. I was in and out hospital until my 8th month of pregnancy.

In 33th week, 30th April 2017 my son was born by C-Section. Yes! He was born! 2.5 kilos, but healthy. He is a super-active boy now; he walks, he climbs, he runs, he jumps haha...He’s amazing! All pains and spending during the pregnancy are worth it. He is my little miracle.

Fransisca Artha