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Parenting Twins Made EasyMarch 10, 2018

Twins and other multiples means way more sleepless nights and days. If you are in that position, here are some ideas that can help it be less stressful.

  1. Sync Their Schedules

Try getting your twins to be on the same schedule. Feeding and napping schedule means, the little nap you get is essentially a power nap. Otherwise you'll constantly be feeding babies, with Twin A ready to eat just as Twin B goes down for a nap. Soon you may burn out, especially if are alone. At night, when one infant wakes up to feed, wake the other one up as well," says Dr. Shelly Vaziri Flais, a pediatrician, mom of twins and the author of "Raising Twins." "This is the one time where the 'rule' about never waking a sleeping baby needs to be broken." She recommends getting a twin feeding pillow to make it easier to nurse or bottle-feed both twins at once. 

  1. Do NOT Separate Twin Babies

When your twins are sleeping, it may be tempting to put them in separate rooms so they won't wake each other. But that will only teach them to rely on total silence to stay asleep. Having white noise in the background will make babies better sleepers. Let the babies sleep in the same room to get used to each other's crying. Soon they will learn to sleep through anything. Nine months in the womb wasn’t a problem for them. Your home is spacious enough to accommodate them.

  1. Connect With Other Twin Moms
    Online & offline, meet other moms who have or had twins. Set up play dates, share tips and spend quality time like a picnic with the kids, moms' nights out the like. It reduces the stress. Less stressed moms mean happier kids.
  2. DON'T Double Up on Everything
    Two babies means two of everything, right? Not always. While the essentials remain the same, toys and other baby furniture like cribs can be shared. So start with one swing or bouncer, then buy another if you need it." More often than not, you'll find you can get by with only one of each. Enjoy having less clutter. "Families with twins need to budget and shouldn't break the bank when purchasing toys," notes Dr. Flais. Twins can share most of their toys and will be just as entertained with fewer playthings.
  3. Choose Gender-Neutral Clothing
    Though you're probably eager to clothe your little princess in pretty pinks, dressing boy-girl twins will be much easier in the early months if you opt for unisex onesies and sleepers. "It saves so much money and sorting efforts.
  4. Buy Baby Essentials Online
    Twin babies go through diapers, wipes and other everyday items at lightning speed. So get baby essentials delivered online.
  5. DON'T Go in Alone
    Caring for twin babies is a lot of work. There are two mouths to feed, two sets of diapers to change and two different cries to soothe. So don't be afraid to get help from friends, family or a nanny. "I thought I should be able to handle it all while my husband was at work. Hire a part-time nanny to help with baby care and/or a maid for household chores. Click here to find your own nanny or sitter or simply call us on 7356 88 33 99.
  6. DO Chill Out
    Lastly, relax. Take each day at a time and do not let the fact that it was hard work stop you from going anywhere. Try not to stress too much about caring for your twin babies and enjoy each moment as it comes!

Reshma Nair