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The Best Part Of ConfinementFebruary 25, 2018

45 years ago when, I got pregnant with my oldest, I had no idea what it would be like to live with a baby. Rajiv was born and practically everybody in my mother’s family was with me. I was in my confinement period and at one stage I thought I would go mad and my husband would never look at me again. Of course, today a woman in that stage would be told she’s having “baby blues” and would get help. 3 years later, Roshini was born and I was overwhelmed. This time, my confinement was a little less relaxed because Rajiv still had to be taught that undergarments are an essential part of getting dressed.

Over the years with my daughter in law, daughter and neighbours in different parts of India, I’ve seen different ways new moms cope with their confinement period today. In essence, this is what I could say:

Get over it! : Now you would say I sound rude, but there is no other option. Post delivery, you will go through an emotional roller coaster. From very happy and be emotionally satisfied to drained and depressed. Accept it. It’s not easy. Motherhood never is. So enjoy the ride. If you feel your mood swings, sadness, depression or guilt are severe, consult a doctor. These are signs of postpartum depression. It will emotionally refresh you in the confinement period.

Look for tips: Many new moms tell me they can take care of themselves, but the unsteady neck of their babies, unnerves them. New borns are fragile. It’s your job to ease the transition from the womb into the world. They are programmed what to do, but they need help. If you can’t figure out what to do, ask for help. Experienced mothers, moms with slightly older babies, grandmothers, neighbours – talk to them. They will have tips and tricks on baby care. Bathing, holding, playing with the baby can seem scary since the tiny being will look so fragile and will be so dependent on you.

Indulge in sleep: You’d not be getting enough of it, but sneak in a nap whenever you can. Every minute of post delivery sleep will be a step forward to recovery and health. Enjoy this time, after all, you are on a break from your household duties now!

Post Delivery massage: Who doesn’t love a massage? Before you hire a masseuse (maalishwali/ Japa Maid) make sure you get references. Places she’s worked before. Get the documents checked, if she’s trained and knows about post delivery massage. If are in Kochi/Ernakulam, you can go to They provide no hassle service and maids are top notch. I speak with my experience with them after my daughter’s delivery. With the right person, massages can relieve you from the pains and also help strengthen your body. You will feel very relaxed and light after the massage.

Post Delivery food: India has region and culture specific post delivery foods. I mentioned this in my previous post. The key is that they will help a new mother to recover quickly and better. Eating healthy with all vital nutrients like iron, calcium, vitamins, carbohydrates and proteins present in your diet will make the recovery faster. Eating right now will also help lose the pregnancy weight later in a sensible way.

Care for your stitches: No matter how baby was born, you will have stitches. Take care of them. Your body has undergone a tremendous change. Take your medications, don’t strain, and watch out for any infection. Trust your gut and you feel something is wrong meet the doctor.

Master breastfeeding: Try out the various positions, and know how you and your baby find it comfortable. Get used and comfortable with breastfeeding.

Sneak in some couple time: I saved this for the last. Your partner’s ten minute job let you 9 months of crazy hormones. He’s just as responsible for baby AND you. Make little time for your husband as well – after all he is as overwhelmed as you are! Make memories as you go. Years later you will laugh at your anxiety.

Ladies, remember, if you are not healthy and happy after delivery, it’s your child who will suffer more. Never hesitate to sleep whenever your child is sleeping. Never eat left over foods. Always eat freshly prepared warm food.

Happy Motherhood!

Kalyani Nair