Congratulations! This is the final leg of your journey. Imagine finally meeting that little fella who was kicking inside. The third trimester can be both physically and emotionally challenging for a pregnant woman. The baby is considered full term at the end of week 37 and it’s only a matter of time before the baby will be born. Researching and understanding what to expect during the third trimester can help reduce any anxiety you may have during the final stages of your pregnancy.
Life Maid Easy helps you what to expect in this stage.
Mother’s body
Abdominal achiness: You might feel like you can’t grow any bigger than you already are. But trust us, as long as your baby’s growing inside you, you will get rounder. As your round ligaments (which support your lower abdomen) stretch to accommodate your growing bump, you may feel crampy or sharp pain. There’s not much you can do other than take it easy.
Fatigue: With the constant growth inside you, you are going to feel more tired than ever in this period, so eat well and frequently, stay active and solve pregnancy sleep problems.
Heartburn: In the last few weeks of pregnancy, your uterus will push your stomach and its contents upward, worsening your heartburn. If nothing helps, ask your doctor for medication.
Varicose veins: You may notice these bulging (if you don’t already have swollen ankles, fingers, or feet) in your lower body due to all of the extra blood you’re pumping. The good news: If you didn’t have them before pregnancy, they’ll likely disappear after you deliver.
Stretch marks: These are tiny tears, which appear in skin that’s being stretched to the limit during pregnancy, are usually a result of genetics. If you had not moisturized them, better start now, to minimize their appearance. Remember that, in most cases, stretch marks don’t really disappear after pregnancy. Over time they fade to form streaks slightly lighter than the skin around it. Don’t fret. Instead be proud that these are badges you earned for nurturing a life inside you.
Backache: As the pregnancy hormone relaxin loosens your joints and your growing belly pulls your center of gravity forward, you may start to have an achy back — another reason to put your feet up, literally. (Sharp, shooting pain from your back down your legs, on the other hand, may be a sign of sciatica. Better tell your doctor about this)
Vivid dreams: As if difficulty in sleeping, lack of bladder control (You sneeze = you pee) and leaky breasts are not enough, you are going to have strange dreams. Pregnant mothers say it can range from funny to absurd, and at times crazy and scary. What’s important is not to take it to heart. If you have a friend who is also pregnant, swap stories and have a good laugh.
Braxton Hicks contractions: As you complete 32 weeks you start occasional random tightening of the uterus. These are called Braxton-Hicks contractions, which are completely random and usually not painful. Your body’s way of preparing for labour, you’ll start to feel these irregular practice contractions now until real labour.
What’s the baby doing?
The fetal medicine experts Life Maid Easy’s team spoke to said, between weeks 27-36, most of the major organs are in place and the baby is practicing to use them. What was the size of an Egg plant at the end of 40 weeks will be the size of a watermelon.Yes, you read that right! At around week 32, your baby’s bones are fully formed. The baby can now open and close its eyes and sense light. The baby’s body will begin to store minerals like iron and calcium.
Bones: As your baby transforms cartilage to bone in months 7 and 8, he’ll be getting all of her calcium from you — so be sure to eat plenty of calcium-rich foods.
Hair, skin and nails: By week 32 of pregnancy, baby’s formerly see-through skin will become opaque. In week 36, fat continues to accumulate as your baby sheds his vernix (the waxy substance that protects his skin from your amniotic fluid) and lanugo (the hairy coat that keeps him warm in there).
Digestive system: In the final weeks of pregnancy, meconium — or baby’s first poop, consisting mostly of blood cells, vernix and lanugo — starts to build up in baby’s intestines.
Five Senses: Your baby’s touch receptors will be fully developed around week 29 or week 30. By week 31 of pregnancy, your baby will get signals from all five senses, perceiving light and dark, tasting what you eat, and listening to the sound of your voice.
Brain: In the third trimester your baby’s brain will grow faster than ever, test-driving some nifty skills including blinking, dreaming and regulating his own body temperature.
By week 36, the baby should be in a head down position. If the baby does not move into this position, your doctor may try to move the baby's position or recommend that you give birth by a cesarean section. This is when the doctor makes a cut in the mother's belly and uterus in order to deliver the baby.
After week 37, your baby is considered full term and its organs are ready to function on their own. According to the doctors Life Maid Easy’s team spoke to, the baby should be around 50-55 cm long and probably weighs between 2.5 and 4 kg.
Hope MYWOMB has been able to answer most of your questions. Next week we will discuss birthing. Take care!