India is celebrating the Girl Child on September 22. You probably have one too. Having a newborn baby girl is a wonderful experience. Some families consider the arrival of a baby girl as a sign of prosperity. You are perhaps making plans on what dresses you are going to purchase for her, accessories for her to wear and so on. Before stepping towards these things you need should know certain major things for baby care which is essential for your baby girl.
How to take care of your baby at birth?
You should prepare yourself to take care of your newborn baby girl. It is very important to know about different aspects of caring for a baby girl care since your baby is too small and fragile. From bathing to diapering to vaccinations to your girl’s emotional well-being, there is a lot of ground to cover.
Let’s start with bathing. When bathing your baby girl, you can use just water or can add a little mild liquid baby cleanser to her bath. Her genital area has to handled carefully. Swish the water around her private parts and use a sponge to gently clean her bottom area, wiping from front to back. Do not try to scrub your baby's bottom during washing, or rub when you're drying her with a towel. It helps to avoid damaging the delicate surface layer of her skin.
Whether you put her in diapers all the time or just limited time, make sure her private parts get time to breathe. Wash with a warm, wet cloth will help keep your infant clean between baths or while changing diapers. When you are changing your baby girl’s nappy, do wipe the area from front to back, away from her vulva and urethra (the opening through which she does a pee). Wiping from front to back of your little one’s vaginal are will help to prevent bacteria from her stool transferring from the bottom to her vagina or urethra, and causing an infection.
When it comes to dressing your little baby girl, wear clothes that are not affecting her private parts. Provide a comfortable diaper for your baby girl which is one of the key factors as the newborn babies often pee. Get the best diapers for your little one, which can give them comfort and avoid diaper rash. If you need any help for your post-delivery and baby care, then just call us at MyWomb, the best post-delivery care in Kerala and we can help you out.
Why is vaccination important for babies?
Vaccinations are the most important ways to prevent your baby from getting various dangerous diseases. Vaccines prevent illnesses such as tetanus, polio, pertussis (whooping cough), diphtheria, rotavirus, pneumococcal measles, Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib), hepatitis B, meningococcal, mumps, rubella and chickenpox diseases and human papillomavirus virus (HPV). Baby girl needs the HPV vaccine to help protect against cervical cancer. Girls are more like to contract illnesses before immunization. Immunizations are mandatory. Contrary to what the older generation and native “doctors” say, Immunizations DO NOT negatively affect a baby girl’s reproductive system or her internal organs. Some parents who object to vaccinations for either religious or philosophical reasons. Some seem to debate on whether vaccinating children is safe or not. Don’t pay attention to such people. Choosing not to vaccinate your kid is choosing to put your baby and your community’s children at danger. As a parent, you have to make the right choices for your child to protect them. Each parent must have confidence that the vaccination is safe and effective for their child. In short, vaccination is a child’s right. Each child deserves a life free from disease that is preventable with vaccination.
How to lay the foundation for the emotional growth of babies?
Emotional learning and growth begins at a very younger age, as young as 6 months. Babies babble at this stage as a precursor to talking. Some babies are able to say Ma-ma or mi-mi to communicate the need to see their mothers. This is more common in baby girls. Babies notice a broad range of emotions, and evolves as they grow. Emotional growth reflects social expertise, as well as the cultural context. First off, let’s get one factor clear: no baby should be told to not cry, despite their gender. Crying is their way to communicate. Older generations tend to use the phrase, “Boys don’t cry” and “girls shouldn't cry aloud”. Telling a child to not cry is equal to telling them it’s not okay to feel what they’re feeling. It’s telling them that their feelings don’t matter. Telling boys to not cry results in unhealthy suppression of emotions.
It’s common to have a pet name apart from a formal name. But using pet names like fatty or skinny as a bean, cry baby etc is not healthy. It may sound cute, but is the starting of self-belief that she is fat or skinny or loud. Body shaming is not right, even for a baby. So laying the foundation for the emotional growth of your baby starts from your home itself. Let’s raise physically and emotionally healthy sons & daughters, who learn to respect everybody equally.